Friday, January 18, 2008

It's gonna get weird in here......

I am feeling a little sick today. Stuffy head and nose annoy me. Short sentences occur in this condition. Due to the rythem of my breathing. I will stop doing that, however.
I wonder if the hour of 10pm is ever going to pass without me wanting to have junk food? I rarely act on it, usually only once every 2 months or so, but 10pm is when my dinner wears off and I am still awake, watching TV and definitly hungry. Ice cream, cookies, candy, you name it, but its gotta be sweet. This happens every....single.....night. Did I say every night? Cause I mean, every night
NUMBER 13: Of Montreal "Hissing Fauna, Are you the Destroyer?" - I am not sure if starting a band name with a preposition is allowed by my 5th grade teacher, but "Of Montreal" has never been a band that follows rules. Like when you name your band after a city, that usually means you are from it, but Of Montreal is actually based out of Athens, Georgia.
Kevin Barnes is the lead creator of what can only be described by me as psychadelic electronic indie cartoon rock band. Their style is jarring, and all over the map of styles mixed in a sharp blend that bounces from sound to sound. In person, he looks like he sounds, delicate face tatoos made with makeup, a mix of mens and womens clothes, and funky hair create some sort of extra-terrestrial cartoon man.

When I orginally read the review to this album, it said that Kevin Barnes had gone through a breakup with his current girlfriend before writing this album. I immediately begin to think of my pleasant memories of Beck's Sea Change album. I was startled out of that impression immediately by a mix of crazy sounds. Upset at first, this album sat on my shelf for about 2 months till I read that Pitchfork had put it in its top 20 albums of the year. I felt rededicated to give it another try. I quickly quietly respected the album as an elegant mix of sounds that I wouldn't understand, and stuck it at number 20. But the more times I listened to it, the more it grew on me, as these complex albums usually do. Every day that passed, it moved up. There is another album that I picked up just before making the list that I didn't even plan on putting on the list, but has stormed it's way to the top 10. I dislike the middle song "The Past is a Grotesque Animal", which is long and repetitive electonica that usually irks me, but there are all good songs stacked around it, with crazy crazy titles....of course.

Thanks to Pans Labrynth, I knew that a Fauna was in no relation to a baby dear, but to a mythical creature that is responsible for all forest spirits. I would not want to meet a hissing one, thats for sure. So I love the name of this album for one thing. The word "destroyer" is also one of my top 10 favorite words. Not sure what the other 9 would be, but destroyer would definitly be in there.
The lyrics laid down on this album are fantastic crazy stammerings. Things like "physics makes us all it's bitches" and "Chemicals, don't strangle my pen. Chemicals don't make me sick again. I'm always so dubious of your intent" along with many other gems that reveal themselves the more you listen. It's the lyrics which convey the dark thoughts of the depressed state that Kevin Barnes is in, not the music. However, this is a statement album in the life of Of Montreal. Definitly the best album of their career, and probably their life. Using all kinds of crazy samples and moving all over the vocal range like a slightly more unraveled David Bowie. This album eventually charms you into a smile. The songs get stuck in my head for hours at a time. They are almost the perfect mix of silly and sad and interesting. And I want nothing to do with knowing what kind of bill a psychiatrist would charge to fix whatever wires are wrong in Barnes' head, but I don't think he wants them fixed and neither does anyone else.

Samples: heimdalsgate like a promethian curse, gronlandic edit
Amazon Page
MySpace Page

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