Friday, December 09, 2005

There is no you, there is only me

Bea is much better at blogging than I am. He is very creative, has a good vernacular, organizes thoughts, opinions, and arguments coherently with adequate foundations for his beliefs, and knows what is interesting (sometimes). That being said, I do not consider this a positive quality and next time I see Bea, I'm gonna give him a swirley.

It's snowing a wicked googily out there today. I only enjoy the really big storms because it adheres(sp?) to one of my finer qualties. Being absolutely absurd for no reason. However, being absurd is not that much fun unless it annoys someone else. The easiest way to do this is to pretend like you don't feel your actions are absurd at all. This really only annoys the most self rightious people which are the types of people that I hate the most. An example for you:

I got caught throwing water balloons out my 7th floor window at my RA and Security Guards, both of whom are the most self-rightous people on campus. They eventually spotted me. Now, I was upset that I got caught and scared of the consequences. However, my mission would not stop there. When they pounded on my door like they were the ATF on a drug bust. I casually answered the door with a "oh man, I nailed your asses!" They were dumbfounded at first, and then really really angry that I was not scared of them or be ashamed by my actions. Whether or not I got a harsher punishment because of this I don't know, but it was definitly worth it. Which leads me to.........

Seans Rotten Tomato:
People who talk to you when you are working out. I'm not going to apologize for being some kind of meat head here because this is not some random rule that only gym rats know. This is just general idiocy on the deepest social level. If someone doesn't make eye contact with you and you are standing right next to him/her. Him/Her does not want to talk to you. If said person who is not making eye contact with you, is sweating profusely and grunting, they definitly do not want to talk to you. This goes beyond stupid and into arrogant foolishness/disregard of social norms. Assholes who have no idea that they are assholes, do things like this, because their brain is clogged with their own feces. Assholes that deserve to get pelted from 7 stories by a waterballoon.

Anyways back to being absurd and why i love giant snowstorms.......because I have an SUV and can get to a lot of the things I like to do on normal days. So when everyone is freaking out, I casually do the same stuff I always do. The most self-rightous ones who stay in and change all their plans are the ones who are most annoyed by people such as myself. These are the ones who are loading 500 loaves of bread in their car and 20 bags of road salt, telling the latest weather report they heard in exasperation to everyone not making eye contact with them.


Anonymous said...

You have truely inspired me Sean, Thanks!

Alex said...

Hey Clarke. I just discovered your blog here and I'm thouroughly amused. You've got what I find to be the most important element of a blog down pat.

It doesn't matter if it's a Political blog ( or some random girl in Chicago (, you have to be indignant about SOMETHING. In every post you must talk about someone being dumber than you. Good job on that one.

On the post-script: I was actually in Poughkeepsie when you wrote this one about wanting to give me a swirly. It's a good thing we didn't cross paths than, eh?

Alex said...

I've found a blog to prove my point further. While doing a blog search for the term "fucktard" (please don't ask me why) I found one that I know you, Mr.Clarke, will love.

It is called Dirty Girl Diary and yes, it is a blog of a phone sex operator. Even she is taking time out from giving "hum jobs" to rant about some stupid "fucktard" who recently called her. The link:

Enjoy that one.


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