Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Endangered Asian Animals

I don't have much to talk about today, so lets cut right to the punch shall we?

NUMBER 16: Panda Bear "Person Pitch" Noah Lennox is the drummer of Animal Collective (get it? he calls himself panda bear and plays in a band with other animal named artists) and the sole artist behind this critical success. Named the number one album by many artist and critics, especially the omnipotent Pitch Fork, Panda Bear can rest on his laurels and eat bamboo for a little while without being disturbed.

Is this album a peice of mastery? Probably. You don't get wide spread acclaim like this without doing something right, but it loses the feeble minded S.Vincent from time to time. The harmonies are fantastic and the Beach Boys "Pet Sounds" inspiration is never a bad idea. But the repitition is what kills me on some of this 7 song album. The critics love this about "Person Pitch", and they probably are very experienced as to why this is fantastic, but it drives me nuts. The songs "comfy in nautica" "Bros" and "take pills" are all great tracks to start off the album. Noah sounds a lot like Brian Wilson, and the train noises at the beginning of "comfy in nautica" have to be a tribute to the inspiration behind this album. But "I'm not" annoys me with its rolling arabian style whines over and over and over again and the Good girl section of "Good girl/carrots" is the same repetitive african drums trance over and over again. Noah rounds it off with 2 great efforts in "search for delicious" and "pony tail", but that hole in the middle makes the album almost unlistienable straight through for me. When this album is good, it's good. Smooth electronic transitions of sound mixed with noah's enhanced beach voice make it you feel as though you are wandering through a sea of both water and sunshine. Maybe on a empty board walk, bare foot, or plunging into a pleasantly cool pool. Not so much fun and surfing as the beach boys are, but reflective on your time spent vacationing in stress free rest. It's definitly a headphones type album, if only to absorb all the intricate sounds, but also because you will likely be distracted from it if you can't only hear the music. It's a meditation type album and requires your sole attention.

I feel like I need to have reasons to bash this album because I am putting it so low on my list despite the wide spread acclaim, but honestly this a great album with songs that annoy, what appears to be, me only. So if you consider yourself a music snob, I suggest giving this album, out of all the albums on my list, a hearty listien. The Panda Bear has earned it.

Samples: bros, take pills (both videos are bad, close your eyes)

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