Friday, November 24, 2006

Post Pumpkin Day

I know, I know. Some of you think that yesterday was Thanksgiving. However, I have given up on that holiday. No one is ever thankful for anything anymore, and the patron saint of thanksgiving, St. Turkey, is overhyped and over used. I have turkey everyday of my life, why would I be excited about having it on another day? However, there is hope for the intelligent and elightened amoung us. Join me on a quest to change the past its prime "Thanksgiving", and turning it into a new fresh holiday with tremendous upside. Thats right, I'm talking about that underground fruit(its got seeds, so it is, ask your elementary school teacher) thats all the rage, the magnificent Pumpkin. It's a much more politically correct holiday with no animal abuse or sketchy history involving Native Americans and Puritans. Obviously the puppies are on board, so that means lots of hot chicks for all you guys out there (some of you girls too). Come on, I'm signing, you're signing, we're all signing. (got it....looks like o-needers)

I love pumpkins and this Pumpkin Day I celebrated in true fashion by having an assortment of pumpkin goodies. The list includes Pumpkin Spice coffee, Pumpkin Muffin, Pumpkin Donut, Pumpkin Milkshake, Pumpkin Bread, Pumpkin Bars, Pumpkin Cheesecake, Pumpkin Soup, Pumpkin candy corn, and of course......Pumpkin Pie. I was on the lookout for some pumpkin ice cream cause I know that is out there too, but I couldn't find any in the supermarkets I looked for.

Pumpkin is also a really great nickname to show affection......"Hey Pumpkin!". Obviously, the pumpkin is a very emotional fruit to our society, and yet somehow, we never seem to fully exploit its powers, and I feel we need to make bigger deal of it than just a complementary item for the season. It should be the reason the season exists! Think of how devistated you would be wihtout the pumpkin this time of year.

Black Friday is called black friday because retailers typically move out of the red accounting figures(showing a loss in profits) and into the black figures (showing a profit) from Friday till the end of the season.

Jewel cases for cd's are stupid. They should be nice heavy duty cardboard sleeves like the used to have for records. I don't really understand why they exist. They take up way too much space and always break. They have to be more expensive than the cardboard option too. Now DVD's come in even bigger jewel cases. Stop the madness!

I ordered a dunk and donuts coffee light and sweet for the first time ever. I now have type 2 diabetes.

Polaroid photos scare me. They are like pictures from hell. The appear out of blackness and the pictures are always kinda sketchy and they never seem real. The colors are always kinda off and the focus is real fuzzy. I think they are snapshots through the devils eyes. I bet if you wait long enough goblins and demons appear.

I watched this documentary called "Thin" the other night about a hospital for eating disorders and the people who live and work there. The obvious plot of the documentary was the hopelessness of the patients situation and to give an inside look at the enormous task of overcoming an eating disorder. I'm not sure if this ever crossed the directors eye, but the thing that was most intriguing to me about the movie was the relationship between the obese nurses and the paper thin girls.Whats ironic about the film is that both groups are killing themselves with food related activities, but only one of the groups is in the hospital. Can you imagine what the obese nurses must look like to the patients? That would be like being treated for lung cancer by a doctor who walks in smoking, or for alcoholism by the local bar owner. The dynamic between them was uncanny. It was the most hopeless and unproductive use of money, time, hard work, and emotion I have ever seen.

Gym Rule: Speaking of food......If you put the Food Network on the TV while you are running on the treadmill, you better be a chef. Otherwise, I get to pull down your pants while you are running so you fall and get mill burn on your ass.

This post written while listening to: Clap your Hands Say Yeah (self titled album)

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