Monday, January 28, 2008

I'm a turd

I am going to get back to the reviews soon I swear. I know you don't really care cause I have gotten zero feedback on it, but it is a quest and I will finish.....eventually.

Story time!
So I am off to the movies last night with my much heralded "free movie pass" that I got after months of use on my Regal Cinemas Card. Which is free to sign up for, but you need to pay for like 3000 movies before you get a free movie pass. Anyways, I was excited to go see Cloverfield after the good job they did hyping the mysterious monster.
I was told that there would "no monster for you!, NEXT!" because for some reason, you could not use a free movie pass on Cloverfield. Of course, I wanted to get into this issue further with the ticket girl, but with a line of peeps behind me that was 20 deep, I refuse to be the guy that hold up a line for a complaint that won't get changed anyway. So I then quickly picked Juno, because that was the next best movie I would be willing to see. I was on my way to the designated Juno theatre when all of a sudden it dawned on me that I didn't have to see Juno if I didn't want to, I could just walk in to Cloverfield and no one would know! Way to go Einstein!
I was actually upset with myself for being such a consumer drone to let "The Man" stick it to me like that. What happened to my rebellious youth!? I used to I didn't even give anything other than Juno a second thought!
Anyway, I prevailed, and for the entire previews, I was actually nervous an usher was going to come in and ask to see my ticket. It was weird. I had no reason to feel guilty or in the wrong. I paid for the movie (with my hard earned coupon, but non-the-less paid) and I was old enough for the PG-13 rating, so there was no reason for them to deny me seeing this movie.
Unfourtunatly, God must have had some problem with me doing what I did, for he smited me. He smited me with a movie in which the creative team decided it would be a good idea to shoot in entirety from the point of view of a character with a hand-held camcorder. I broke out into a cold sweat and started to feel extremely nauseus at the one hour mark. I had to leave before I tossed my chicken all over the theatre.
Thankfully, I am not the only one God chose to smite because apparently a bunch of people have felt the same effects. I bet they used their coupon on Juno too.

1 comment:

Lis said...

I had the same problem! I spent half the movie with my head in my hands repeating "will not be sick. will not be sick." Grabbing a stick of mint gum helped a little but I still had to watch selectively (taking a "close my eyes" break every minute or so). I've heard that if you rent it it shouldn't make you so sick, but I don't know if I'll risk it. I really think they could have still done the handheld camera view while making it way less jerky. Vom.


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