Tuesday, January 29, 2008

PoVegas in the Movies

There has been a lot of hub-bub about a new movie coming out soon based on a serial killer in the area that I reside over as mayor. I have had to field plenty of questions from non-locals as to the truthfulness of said movie, and I can officially say that the only similarity this movie has with Poughkeepsie is that we did have a serial killer in our midst. He did not tape his murders, he didn't torture his victims, it did not take place in 2001, and it did not take place on the corner of Dutchess Ave and North Water St. There appears to be some outside shots of his house, but thats about it.

But people in this area are scarier than your average psycho's, so back off or else some seriously bad stuff can happen to you. We don't carry sticks of re-bar in our car for decoration. However, it appears that this movie is more a mix of the tendencies of different real serial killers across the country and blended into one and uses Poughkeepsie as the title.

Newest Trailer:

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