Monday, December 22, 2008

Jittery Monday

I am all jittery today and I don't really know why. Maybe it's a hangover from the hunkey-ness of Hugh Jackson in Australia that I watched last night. Maybe it's endorphins from attacking the wheel wells of my car with a broom handle to dislodge the ice blocks so that I could make more than 10 degree turns. Or maybe it's just the excitement for Christmas!

I was quite productive at the mall and found some good presents (and if they aren't, maybe a shank between the 3rd and 4th rib is something I could interest you in). I even bought some wrapping paper! How un-male of me, eh? Between that and driving my little puddle jumper around 5 inch snowbanks out of fear of getting stuck, I'd say my balls may have shrunk a little this Christmas. I guess I am going to have to go to a strip club on NYE to make up for it. Or maybe go outside and chop down a tree. Or lift a big snow shovel full of wet slushy snow RIGHT OVER MY HEAD! "I am S.Vincent, the man of men, hear me roar!"


Tomorrow will be a post of all the UNRATED albums that I didn't get to listen to. And I am working on a cool Christmas music list. Meaning Christmas songs that don't make you wanna throw up. That is, if I can find any.
Alright kiddies, here we go. Down to the last 5 albums of 2008. I hope you are as excited as I am. Actually, you should be more excited because I have been staring ENDLESSLY at this list for the past week and I know what it says. But you have no idea what they are going to be, so this one is for you!

Without further delay......

5-Kings of Leon "Only by the Night": This is one of my current favorite bands ever since I got into them last year. I love the music, the style, the lyrics, the image, and the lack of any big time exposure they have. Many critics use say that this is their ultimate sell out album. That this album goes against their musical roots and simplifies their once unique country rock sound. They say that their lyrics have been dumbed down into a preen for the ladies. All of this is more or less true, but at least they have albums where they didn't do those things. Albums that were more intricate, raw, artistic, and critically acclaimed. You can buy them on Amazon and I suggest you do. My point is, they did it already, so why not come up with an album that reaches a wider audience? Maybe they didn't do it with enough tact, but they did it. And to tell you the truth, the album is still great. I saw them live about a month ago, and the songs that really resonated with the new crowd was the current hits and not because they are current, but because they sound better live in a larger venue. The old songs are better as album songs, but their sound gets lost in the crowd noise and venue reverberations. Bands make their money touring, so if KOL can get earn some bucks and still rock the house. I am going to say "rock on". I love all the songs from radio-rocker "sex on fire" to industrial-istic "crawl" to slow jam "cold desert" to party rock "Manhattan".

4-Bon Iver "For Emma, Forever Ago": It gets really tough here in the top 5 to pick who is 5 and who is number 1. I don't remember where I got this album from, I think I read randomly about it somewhere, and the name stuck with me, so when I was on iTunes I looked him up. This is a perfect winter album (that was released in the summer) but I heard it was written and recorded by Justin Vernon (lead singer, creative force) in a cabin in Wisconsin during a winter that he spent by himself. The music is slow, sad depression type tunes. But its not as pathetic sounding as it sounds, so if you are a big fan of folk, you will like this album (also if you TMOE that we talked about earlier, they tour together). The lyrics are incredibly cryptic, but you don't really need em to understand where he's going. Catch a word here or there and it all starts to come together. His voice is fantastic and there is some sort of studio harmonizing with himself going on, making all his tracks sound like much more than simple singer songwriter. But there is still a whole bunch of background noise (like his shirt sleeve rubbing on his guitar, an fire siren in the distance, weird clicks and tape reel noises) that make this album feel so personal. Like Justin made the album just for you in his basement. All this makes it feel so fresh, pure and spontaneous. All the tracks are awesome, Headphones are a must or a really quiet room.

3-M83 "Saturdays = Youth": You take a leap of faith when you tell people you like M83. Because it really does teeter on the line of dork emo-ish music. You really almost have to find it yourself because if someone tells you how great it is, you'll probably end up criticizing its lack of subtlety. And I guess this is a case of beauty being in the eye of the beholder. It's incredibly luxurious and lush sounding, and on the surface it sounds like something out of a Planet Earth segment or a commercial. But if you really listen with an open and fresh ear, you can hear that there is a real artistic quality to this album. I like to call them an English speaking Sigur Ros (if you know who they are). But as much as it is atmospheric shoegaze type music, there is a real simplicity to the stories of the songs. Mostly about being young and innocent and stressed, but not as immature as that may sound. Just go with it, pretend you're not as cool as you think you are. Embrace your inner low self esteem nerd! The music does go over the top, but its supposed to be that way and its the simple lyrics which keep it grounded, focused and give it the ability to be appreciated by common (albeit open minded) music fans. It's the style in which Anthony Gonzalez basically gets his really good electronic shoegaze across and I think it works out a lot better then other uptight elitist shoegaze I have heard. All the tracks are good here in the top 5, and this applies even to teenage french-inspired electronic shoegaze in this case.

2-Cut Copy "In Ghost Colours": Can I say that I get excited about listening to this album most of all. That even though its number 2, it holds a special place in my heart? I think it may be the fate of a non #1 album to be my favorite despite the lack of respect that I give it. Maybe because its a deep rooted emotional problem. Last year it was #4's Kings of Leon's "Because of the Times" and I have listened to that album a bajillion times too even though I gave the crown to NIN. I guess there is a difference between what you enjoy the most and what you respect the most. This is the case here. I am at a loss of words to explain it........summer, dance music, 80's chic, snarky female smiles, big hearty laughs, cold glasses of iced tea, slip on sneakers, cool night air, sliding on car hoods, booty bonks.........
Cut Copy is from the rockin city of Melbourne, Australia and they specialize in new wave-esque dance tunes. Think Duran Duran with a little more emphasis on dance electronics then top 40 hits. This album has everything I love. Great builds to the highs, audible lyrics, definitive new sound, a great percussion foundation, variety of sound (once you listen more) and EXCELLENT track order. It's fun, it grows on you, it doesn't get old, and a song ending just means another great one is up next. I don't think there is one teeny thing I would change about this album. I don't think the video on your computer does this justice. Listen to it in the car, or out with your friends. And turn it up loud! If you buy one thing from this list or remember this list for one thing, remember it for Cut Copy and that I love it and that I stuck up for it. Tell your grand kids and have them tell their grand kids, for the love of PETE!

Number 1 tomorrow ;) OH THE HUMANITY!!!!!!

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