Thursday, December 11, 2008

iTunes, we have a problem

If you didn't read the last post, just go to the part where it says I downloaded 120 albums in 2008. That said..... A) I am sick. Does "A&E's Intervention" show accept music addicts? B) I have a lot of music to analyze and I realized there was no way I could leave out so many albums without talking about them. C)Therefore, you are forced to suffer because I need to feel validated for purchasing so much music. So D) We have to get ourselves started!

As a preface, the bottom of this list from number 35 to 25, will not be given much attention by me. Album name, quick description of the music, a short critique and then moving on. No photos and no samples. However, the titles will be linked to for further research if you choose. Most of these albums I only listened to 5 or 6 times and put the them in the "Pretty Good" pile.

35-Nine Inch Nails-"Ghosts I-IV": This is an instrumentals album that is 4 CD's of NIN style compilations. It's a decent mix of background music, sleep music, or study tunes so long as you like Nine Inch Nails. Trent Reznor has a very signature sound, so if you liked his old stuff you will like this album in which Trent plays with landscape style soundings. But its not something to get super excited about. On the plus side it was 8 bucks or something from the website, so it was easy on the conscience to buy.

34- Portishead - "Third": The Third album is Portishead's 3rd album, so bonus points for a real creative album title.....NOT! The album artwork is "simplicity cool" though. I will probably take the biggest hit here in the respected critics circle as most of them love this release which came after a 10 year or so lay-off from this band. Their style was very popular in the late 90's and they have found a way to transform it into a very respectable modern version. But, it's tough for me to get into. I always liked Massive Attack's approach to this genre better.

33- Fucked Up-"The Chemistry of Common Life": What a great band name right? This band is not as stupid as it sounds, and their album is suprisingly dense and well structured despite the moniker. You need to have a real open ear to be able to listen to this one, and it reminds me of last years A Place to Bury Strangers in that way. Real loud noises here cause this shit is hardcore. I really love the first track.But amidst the chaos there is a real unique sound here. I would rate this album slightly higher on a more personal list, but I know that even most educated music fans will turn away from this album. Too much screaming, too much feedback noise, too much speed and aggression.

32- Spiritualized-"Songs in A&E": The title doesn't stand for the key of the music. It's the name for "Emergency Room" in England. Accidents and Emergencies, I think. Anyway, the main dude Jason Pierce spent a bunch of time in the hospital from an accident and wrote this album. Only the second one since the critically acclaimed "Ladies and Gentleman, we are floating in Space". Thus, you can tell from the title that Spiritualized deals mainly in spacey shoegaze style music. Which I dig here and there, but it isn't my favorite genre. This is another album that will be rated higher elsewhere.

31- TV on the Radio- "Dear Science": I want to like TVOTR more. I really do.....but I don't. They are so cool and their sound is so unique, but I can't quite get into the flow on most of their songs. I love some of their songs but as total albums, I find myself drifting away mentally while I am listening. This is another album that will get higher praise elsewhere. Either way, I tried and will continue to try to get into them more. I promise.

Tune in tomorrow folks!

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