Monday, February 02, 2009's gonna last you for the rest of your life.

A visual blog of sorts today. I am super busy with work to do, but I wouldn't leave all you bottom feeders with no scum to suck.

Since it is Groundhog Day, we must acknowledge one of the greatest movies of the 20th century. When it came out in the mid 90's, I was just a young chap making my way in the world. The concept of the movie is why I liked it at first. Day after day of the same day with no consequences? Awesome. Learning awesome chainsaw ice art? Check.

But now that I am older with a lot more life experience and a seasoned appreciation of dialogue, I realize that this movie is much more than just a cool concept. Its a touching view on so many aspects of our daily lives that we don't realize are happening because the days come and go so fast. Plus Bill Murray is the M-A-N.

This is one of many of my favorite parts. If you were to capture me in front of camera in a social gathering or ceremony, you could bet a million dollars I would say something exactly like this.

Wandering around PoVegas, I managed to find this place of business. Ye should not be fooled, our specialty foods are not to be underestimated. Thusly, we proclaim our superiority for all passers-by to witness.

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