Monday, February 09, 2009

call the whaaaaaa-mbulence

today, I am sick.
I am so sick that I am not even reading any blogs. If you have a podcast blog, I would consider it, but definitly not reading anything I don't have to. Sorry friends, maybe tomorrow.
being sick is my number one enemy because I am shallow and I can call it a awesome day so long as I get 2 good workouts in. Everyone and everything else can go straight to hell in a martha stewart basket. But when I am sick, my life has no purpose besides going through the motions.
The good news is no nasal or sore throat symptoms and only a light fever. But my chest has got a nasty dry cough and my body feels like I went 10 rounds with sarah mclauchlin on steroids.
Speaking of steroids/illegal performance enhancers......when is someone going to bust Madonna? I am sick of all the obvious guys getting brought out there like Stallone, Arnold, Bonds, A-Rod, Canseco and no one is addressing this obvious juice head. You think a 51 year old woman can work out enough to look like that without help? Have you ever seen any 50 year old menopausal woman at your gym who looked like that? Puhhhleasssseee. Plus. she's linked to Jose Canseco and a bunch of other juicers from the early 90's. I would bet all the 900 dollars in my bank account that she would blow up a drug test quicker than a Jamal Anderson heart beat.
Madonna Now


Madonna Then:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Proposed diagnosis: bronchitis


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