Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Ghost of Christmas Past

Yippeee for Christmas being over and for no more christmas music. I don't know about the readers, but I am fat and depressed and see no way out of the vicious cycle. Yet another time to reflect on my downward spiral. Enough about depression though, lets talk about happy things. What I think is hilarious about christmas is that it never fails that some member of my family gets me socks and underwear (what, you too? what a surprise!). Does this cycle/joke end? When is it going to be useless and inappropriate to buy me socks and underwear? For those that know me best (or too well) , know that I gave up wearing socks and underwear about 6 years ago. Not exactly a lifestyle practice you share with family however, so I have about 20 or so pairs of both socks and underwear that are brand new sitting around in drawers likes ghosts of Christmas past. Am I going to give them away you ask? Hell no! They're the only Christmas presents I get!

Now, I want to discuss some of my favorite commercials I have seen recently. I am a marketing major and although I do nothing with that degree, I do appreciate a good advertising effort and hate that there are people out there getting paid for some of the crappy commercials and marketing ploys I am forced to stomach on a daily basis. Most of my attention has been on the recent Snikers line of advertisements under the "Its only satisfying if you eat it" campaign. They are all awesome, but my absolute favorite is the one with snickers toupee. The Background music is what seals the deal and the tone of voice when the bald guy says "whaaaat?", and the asian guy at the end smiling. Its all perfect. Intelligent humerous and enjoyable. All of their current ads are fantastic. You may get nostalgic for some of their past ads. If you think about it, some of their ads have been the best in the business for a long time. Who can forget the guy painting the endzone for the chiefs and he accidentally spells out chefs. He utters out a fantastic frustration phrase " Great googily moogily". Anyway, here is the link to video of their current ads, they are all awesome, but the "Bald" one is the best. http://www.snickers.com/advertising.asp

I will keep you up to date on some of the better ads I see on TV leading up to the mother of all advertising periods; Superbowl Sunday. I know some of you out there rely on me for all of your culture and I would not want to let you down.

This post written while listiening to: The Killers "Hot Fuss"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK so you have to talk about that Super Mario Soccer commercial because i love it. How about the slide tackle or the rainbow kick all done by a giant Mario.


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