Thursday, December 01, 2005

since when?

It seems like everyday I get at least one phone call from someone trying to bargain with me over the price of a service call. Since when is it okay to bargain on anything besides used cars? I love when they try to guilt trip me too. "It's really cold in here" "I've got young kids" blah blah blah. I'm a compassionate guy, but I don't call up a pizza place and say "I'm really hungry, but all I have is 5 dollars, can I still get a pie" because it's just stupid and I couldn't live with myself. If you can't pay for something, you can't pay for something and you don't get the something. Thats the effin rule. Don't call and complain to some poor sap that you really want it, but you can't pay for it, and that it's not fair. It seems like a concept you learn when you're in kindergarten, but I guess 1 out of every 10 people don't operate on that level and the rest of society has to clean their dirty diapers for them. Shouldn't be surprising to me I guess that it happens, it just seems like there is a lot more than I previously thought.

I wonder if at least 95% of blogs are just people complaining about the stupid random stuff in their life just to feel like someone cares about their problems. I bet they are and I know that you don't. I'm gonna try not to complain anymore and no one has to care about any of the stuff I write here or feel sorry for me. My job rules to tell you the truth and I actually enjoy telling the customers they ain't getting shit and that they'll like it.

One thing about life that I've noticed is that it's not as much hard as it is dealing with different levels of annoyance. If you're willing to put up with a lot of annoying shit, then you'll be succesfull and most people just focus on dealing with how annoying their life is in order to make money or get what they think they need. I on the other hand would rather deal with my conceived notions of what I need and be bothered as little as possible. Sounds like a slacker mentallity and in some way it is. However, I like to think of it as a more advanced, enlightened, and healthy outlook. I'd bet I live to be a hundred. I'll bet you a million dollars......

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