Monday, December 19, 2005

God didn't create doctors for people like me

I just found out that Bea discovered my blog and his influence in it. Or should I say, brain washed me. As I have said earlier, Bea is very good at blogging to his own detriment and you can read his blog at Don't get too attached and ditch mine though, we bad bloggers need love too. Plus, Bea is a self proclaimed southerner, and if you get too close he might cook and eat your domestic pets.

For a fleeting moment this weekend, I thought about keeping a little notepad on me so I could remember some of the things that might be interesting to write about. The reason why it was fleeting is because that would be taking my blog activities to the next level. In the world of blogs, taking it to the next level is one level too far already. So, untill I disappoint myself again and disregard yet another one of my sacred values, expect my blog to continue to be half-assed.

Another one of my random thoughts left over from the weekend is the possible personal value derived from spewing opinions. To further explain, giving an opinion on a subject that is being argued or is argumentative. The reason why I think of things such as this is because I am always scared and anxious about how I am perceived by the outside world. I believe this to be a very natural and unavoidable element of human nature. Those who think or say that they don't care how they are perceived are wanting to be perceived as someone who doesn't care. Now, for 99% of normal people, we all battle within ourselves our values and our beliefs on a daily basis. How comfortable we are with what we think is normal/right and abnormal/wrong and how comfortable we are with who knows these values and beliefs.

Now; what I was thinking about was the second part of that last sentence. What is the point of offering your opinion on any subject. It is bound to be argued or proven wrong or inapplicable. And if you are too arrogant to think that your opinion can't be argued, proven wrong, or could be inapplicable to the situation, than your brain is insufficient to handle intelligent conversation and you should be put in shackles and thrown to the bottom of a well so you can live in a world devoid of human contact. (It puts the lotion in the basket......

I guess the point of offering an opinion is to appear courageous enough to lay your beliefs and values out for the world to see and disect. In which case I still despise you for being vain enough to think that your values and beliefs are worthy enough to be disected, in which case you better have carefully thought out your opinion cause there is a good chance someone will prove your opinion stupid or illogical, in which case you have a choice to be pig-headed and foolish and not admit that your opinion is wrong or foolish or be humble enough to admit you could be wrong. Now, if you are humble enough to admit your wrong you should be humble enough to keep your trap shut. You can see how I went round and round in circles about this. Basically I feel the risk outweighs the benefits of being opinianted. In fact I see no benefit of offering one. If you are asked to offer one avoid at all costs and definitly do not offer one out of the blue.

On second thought, what a cambells chicken soup and white wonder bread world it would be without people being stupid and arrogant enough to just offer opinions randomly with no regard for how stupid they look. I pity and appreciate you all in the same brain melting thought. In fact, after all of these years of random thoughts, I think my brain may be 90% cambells chicken soup.

PS: I do notice the irony on giving opinions about being opiniated. I was looking for the Ad where the two guys do the dance to the Salt n' Peppa dance, but thought this was more appropriate. (

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