Sunday, November 02, 2008

the good doctor.....

I went over the rules of the gym a while ago. But every once and a while, a person finds a way to break them in such a new and interesting way that I have to share. Share I must, because it is disturbing enough that if I don't, then I am afraid that the illogical-ness of it may eat me alive from the inside out. Then, you will find me wandering around the grocery store selling books to tell your kids how to cover their school books with the new re-usable and eco-friendly grocery bags instead of the old paper bags. Personally I used to love doing that, I was so good at it. Plus, you could draw Guns and Roses emblems on them. Textbook covering is a lost art.......

Anyyyyyywhozalll.......Lets agree to not talk on our cellphones naked in the lockeroom, okay?

There is a doctor. He is an orthopediest or an orthopediac surgeon who likes to call his patients naked while he is in the locker room. Let's name him Dr. OBG, which is short for "Dr. Old Balls GROSS!" He's about 60 and I'll start out by saying that none of his calls to date have been dire emergencies, which would be somewhat acceptable. I have seen him make these calls three times now. The first time it happened, I was going to give him some slack because someone called him while he happened to be naked. Some harm, some foul, but it got more wrong because he didn't give the person a "can I call you back". He talked for 5 mins.....naked.....then he hung up and made another call to the hospital....naked. All the while he was pacing around the locker room like it was his office. It was a small emergency in that his patients knee was swelling I guess, which is why I am going to give him some slack. But then about a month ago, I walked in on him talking on the phone naked again. I didn't listen to the circumstances that time, and thus I let him slide.

Then, the other day, he walked in after me. He took all his clothes off, put on a shirt-no pants, checked his phone, put a towel down on the bench (at least) listened to his voice mail, then.....CALLED THAT PERSON BACK. Unacceptable Dr. OBG......UNNN-ACCEPTABLE...I don't care how many years you went to college.

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