Tuesday, October 07, 2008

That's Alex P. Keaton to you buster.

somehow I was doing some IMDB work on Tom Hanks and I stumbled across the fact that one of his earliest works was on Family Ties. One of the newest things IMDB has is direct video access to these episodes for free and in high quality.
I have heard about this episode before as one of his breakout performances that Tom Hanks had real talent, but had never seen it for myself. Despite the awful and obvious set-ups and awkward transitions of the script that are the signature early sit-com, Tom does a wonderful job. Just when you think the sit com style script is going to ruin the moment at the end, Hanks manages to make it feel like a real life moment.

Sorry it can't be embedded, but here is the link.

1 comment:

Sharon M said...

I knew Tom Hanks was going to be a star when I first saw him on Taxi. Don't know if you're familiar with this clip, but he played Jim Ignatowski's friend in the college flashback episode.



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