Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The autumn of our content (with pumpkins of course)

Welcome to the first day of Fall. I don't really consider it fall till there is the delicious scent of pumpkin in the air. Deliciously robust pumpkin. In fairness, I also realized that pumpkin may not be so delicious if it wasn't for cinnamon and sugar. I don't think I have ever tasted pumpkin without those other two involved, so I may not even like pumpkin, I may only like pumpkin+. Maybe thats another reason to like pumpkin even more, because pumpkin is a team player. "Hey sugar; lets have me, you and cinnamon get togethor and take 2 months by storm. We could own this country, but I need you guys to help me." And what do you know, they did it. They did it for us, and they did it for them. Are we all happier for it? You bet your ass we are.

Pumpkin: American Hero. A story by S. Vincent.

Busy busy this time of year. It seems like 16 hour days, 7 days a week aren't enough. I get the major stuff mostly done, but the minors like dishes, laundry, house cleaning, shopping, and personal hygiene is always a rat race. I am barely keeping my head above water and there is always one of theses that is in a disgusting shamble before I can grab hold and get in under control. I won't share with you which is falling behind currently, but every day, one of those maintenance tasks that most humans need to keep up with to be considered human is not happening. Aren't you glad I share?

As an iTunes freakshow, I have recently been toying with the new "Genius" feature. For those not hopelessly en-slaved by the Apple universe, Genius is a feature which takes the song you select and then tells you songs and albums they have that you should buy (Steve Jobs says: "make money money, make money MONEY!!") but then the real kicker is that they can also create a playlist from that song of other songs you have in your library that are similar to the selected song. Interesting and fun new feature.

I think the internet should create a feature like that for blogs. Such as You like YFYB?, you may also like retarded monkey's dancing videos on YouTube, poop jokes, naked pictures of Robert DeNiro, and horror movies involving green fiberous vegetables.

Something that scares me? The fact that Dooce is probably the blogger that I have the most in common with. I'm sure I need to read more blogs and get a wider scope, but her humor, taste in music, fear of religious fanatics, cavalier attitude towards implied responsibility, and sense of fashion is very very very similar to mine. She is a little more politically minded then I am, and she likes animals way more than I do, but other than that and the fact that she is a married woman with 1 child living in Utah. We are twins........ (S.Vincent looks to shoes and shakes head in an acknowledgement that he is one messed up tollhouse cookie)


Alex said...

dude, if you like Dooce, you need to check out The Typing Makes Me Sound Busy - http://keepyourreceipt.blogspot.com/

Hil-arious. Still a woman, not in Utah, no kid.

paulette said...

Any animal but Polly of course! But...no....wait....I forgot....she is not an animal.

Ok....phew....i knew you got it.


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