Friday, August 10, 2007

I know that you know that I know that you wanted to know; what my favorite movies are.

I have been working on a little list for the past couple of days of my favorite movies. I figured that the constant readers are bursting at the seams for insights into my cineamatic pallate. I started with a goal for a top 20 and figured I would write down 30 or so movies and then subtract 10 movies so I would be less likely to forget a top 20 candidate. However, the favorite movies started flowing and before I knew it, I had 50. Then, 100, then finally exhausted myself at 150+. You don't have to say anything, I can tell by the look on your avatar that you are impressed.

I don't pretend to be a film buff, I go by what has entertained/inspired/intrigued me the most. I also don't pretend that I have seen tons of movies. There are a bunch of "classic films" that I have not seen and thus could not rate. This is an honest list though, and I know it probably won't match yours. Films like Citizen Kane and Gone with the Wind, even though universally accepted as top 10 films, are not listed there on my list. I will not succomb to acadmic pressure ever! You hear me AFI!? NOT EVER!!!!! I also have certain things that I can like in movies, but I certainly have things that I refuse to like. Fake high school emotion/attitudes/situations make me sick. Party/drug movies don't tickle me either.

After the top 50, I got somewhat lazy. What this means is that for films say, number 51-60, are somewhere in that range, but I would consider moving anywhere up and down in that range. So on and so forth.

You may notice films on this list that you have not seen. In that case, S.Vincents top 150+ comes highly recommended. There is no fluff on here, I have seen each of these movies at least twice for a reason, so if you enjoy a bunch of the movies on here, chances are you will enjoy all of the movies on here. So print it out and bring it to Blockbuster or put them on your Netflix list. It's going to be quite a large post, but who doesn't love large posts? Feel free to scream with outrage on the comments section about your opinions on my list and where certain films should be ranked and which films are not on the list that you think should. Without further ado, homies.......

1.Forrest Gump
3.Dances with Wolves
4.Silence of the Lambs
6.Leon (The Professional)
7.The Last of the Mohicans
8.The Usual Suspects
9.The Shawshank Redemption
10.The Godfather
11.Vision Quest
12.Without Limits
13.The Shining
14.Cast Away
15.Willie Wonka & Choc. (1978)
17.Great Expectations
18.A Few Good Men
19.Road to Perdition
20.Star Wars
22.The Departed
23.Boogie Nights
25.Pumping Iron
26.The Royal Tenenbaums
28.The Fifth Element
30.Field of Dreams
32.Citizen Kane
33.The Deer Hunter
36.Risky Business
37.True Romance
38.A Clockwork Orange
39.Ferris Buellers Day Off
40.Regarding Henry
41.One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest
43.Full Metal Jacket
44.When Harry Met Sally
45.High Fidelity
46.Die Hard
47.Back to the Future
48.Top Gun
49.Gone with the Wind
51.The Godfather:Part2
52.Grosse Pointe Blank
53.Groundhog Day
54.Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
55.Rain Man
56.The Saint
57.Pan's Laberynth
60.Memphis Belle
61.Can't Hardly Wait
62.The Sandlot
64.Garden State
65.Indiana Jones: Last Crusade
66.Blade Runner
67.The Blair Witch Project
68.The Omen (1971)
69.The Exorcist
70.Stand by Me
71.Lost in Translation
72.L.A. Confidential
73.2001: A Space Odyssey
74.Enter the Dragon
75.Reality Bites
76.Billy Madison
78.Dirty Harry
79.The Sting
80.The Natural
81.Pee Wee's Big Adventure
82.That Thing You Do!
83.Fight Club
84.Patriot Games
85.Raiders of the Lost Arc
86.Edward Scissorhands
88.The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly
90.V for Vendetta
91.Mission: Impossible 3
92.Robin Hood (1993)
94.The Boondock Saints
98.Open Range
100.Primal Fear
103.Breaking Away
105.Murder in the First
106.The Terminator
109.Lock, Stock, 2 Smoking Barrels
110.The Crow
111.Point Break
112.Road House
114.Event Horizon
115.The Cell
116.Gleaming the Cube
117.The Goonies
118.Toy Story
120.Mall Rats
121.Pump up the Volume
122.The Matrix
123.The Peanut Butter Solution
125.The Punisher
127.Presumed Innocent
128.First Blood
130.Resevoir Dogs
131.Kill Bill
133.12 Monkeys
134.Pulp Fiction
135.The Game
136.Single White Female
137.Fatal Attraction
138.Demolition Man
139.Red Dragon
140.A Christmas Story
141.North by Northwest
142.Taxi Driver
143.The Breakfast Club
145.Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
147.Romeo and Juliet (1999)
148.Dangerous Liasons
150.Let it Ride!
151.A Bronx Tale
152.Almost Famous
154.Clear and Present Danger
155.Bourne Identity

This post written while listening to: Andrew Bird "Armchair Apocrypha"

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