Wednesday, January 11, 2006

You got a problem? Yo, I'll solve it. Check out the hook, while my DJ revolves it....

Dear constant/consistent reader:
Please be aware that if a picture that I post has a broken link, there is a good chance I noticed it and replaced it with a new one. So if you see a broken link, check back soon to see a new picture. On that note; on with the useless trash I call writing...

Hi, my name is S.Vincent and I am a chicken wing addict. It started when I was young and the only junk food I had was to steal the semi-sweet chocolate chips from my moms baking cabinet. She was a freakin pastry chef and we never saw any of it except on Christmas. She even cancelled Easter one year! I'm starting to get all worked up now about the past, and I won't make you go through it, but be aware that this, like most psychological problems in the Freudian system, is all moms fault. (nooo morrrree wirrrrre HANGERSSSSS!!!!)

Anyway, I have been thinking about wings all of the time lately and last night I cleaned out 15 in 7 minutes, a new personal best. Unfourtunatly my dealer, Planet Wings, has late night delivery and a 12 dollar minimum. At 9pm, I am at my weakest resolve and the most hungry, so in the past 3 weeks I have delevoped a 40 wing per week habit. I call them up, place an order and hate myself for the entire 45 minutes till they get to my cave. When they get there however, the hallucinogenic they put in the sauce distract me from my masochism long enough to operate my carnivorous mandible. My life is glorious for 10 minutes until all of the hypnotics are gone and the patheticness and styrofoam containers are all that is left.

A disturbing thing happened to me the other night, and I'm not talking about the bastard who didn't put any napkins in my wing bag. For those of you who may not be consistent Law and Order watchers, the show is usually quite tame in the disturbing images category. You see some dead faces and gunshot wounds, but nothing too gory or violent. CSI usually goes further down this alley than the 20 year old NBC bedrock of Law and Order. Anyway, I was watching an episode of Law and Order:Trial by Jury, a version that I usually don't see because I think there is only 5 episodes and it is on at a weird time.

As I was viewing a chemo weakened Jerry Orbach with a bad wig on, they cut to a sex scene! I'm talking thrusting, moaning, and young girl on old guy soft-core action for a solid 2-3 minutes! I nearly spit my Fresca all over my wings!

It's not that I have never seen soft core porn on TV, it's all that's on MTV now that they don't show music anymore, but on L and O, I was blown away. I was just grateful it wasn't Briscoe, although, with his condition and loyalty to the show, the master wisecracker sure as hell deserved to see some kind of action as a reward.

This post written while listening to: David Gray "Life in Slow Motion"

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