Friday, January 06, 2006

straight up, now tell me do you really wanna love me forever....oh oh oh

Ha, I love Paula Abdul at the gym when I am military pressing. Unfourtunatly, the first thing I thought when I heard it was "blog title for tomorrow" when I should have been thinking "135 pounds above my head". Speaking of the gym, a lot happened there last night and I'm not just talking about creepy recollections of the music video with Paula Abdul and Keanu Reeves from Bill and Teds Bogus Journey........

I think the INS may have captured my little mexican friend who liked my spandex and lived down the road and only knew about 10 words of english. I used to see him everynight, now he's gone. Maybe he likes someone elses spandex at someone elses gym.

When you give someone a spot at the gym, you're flipping a coin. On one side you could get a guy who will say "Thanks" and leave it at that and maybe the occasional head nod in future meetings, OR, you are gonna get the guy who now has to tell you his life story and will talk about his workout theories for the rest of your membership contract. He'll wait politely for you to finish a set and then tell you what he does/does not like about this or that exercise. Unfourtunatly, you gotta take the chance-gym rules and all. I ran into a life story guy last night but not an awful one, probably because he isn't quite bright enough to form complete sentences. Weird either way. I already made a rotten tomato topic on this exact type of person. If he doesn't stop I'm changing my workout schedule.

I have been up all night watching "The L Word" because they are re-running season 2 in preparation for the Season 3 premiere on Sunday. So they have been showing 4 episodes a night from 9-1Am this whole week. I have watched every night. I'm not sure if it's because I was very tired or because it is as funny as it should be. A quick run down of the event...Alice is a quirky crafty rock and roll type lesbian. Her delivery of lines is great and probably what makes "Jesus, this coffee tastes like poopyshit....wait, where's Marina?" so awesome to me. Poopyshit as one word tickled my funny bone for a good 5 minutes. I can't wait to deliver that one the next time I go over to my parents for dinner.


Anonymous said...

Hey Clarkey, nice balls. And i Think we had hot sauce on the lists of the best things ever. But as you said they all cycled through one time or another.

Alex said...

Where do you get those awesome pictures? You know what? Don't tell me. Priceless.


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