Thursday, January 19, 2006

Why don't you sit the next couple of plays out, Champ.

I realized today that I have seen Anchorman one too many times. I have all the HBO channels and it was on one of them consistently in the month of December, so whenever I was watching something with commercials or on a lazy weekend when I'm vaccuming/laundering/cooking Papa Burgundy was my buddy of choice. Anyway, the unfourtunate side-effect of this is that my immediate responses to everyday life situations come straight from the Ron Burgundy side of my brain. This is ultra-toolish at this point of my life. The movie is over 2 years old now and everyone else in the country got over their Anchorman obsessions a long time ago, and I'm still kicking along like an old-man who just figured out how to use his CD player. Someone says bye to me, I reply with "You stay Classy". I make a mistake, I say "Milk was a baaddd choice". Someone insults me, I say "Where did you get your clothes ? At the Toilet Store?" Countless etc etc etc. I had this same obsession with Billy Madison lines about 6 years ago, and that was not a fun experience for any of the parties involved. There should be rehab clinics for people like me. When I start dressing like this and hanging out with these guys, hit the OnStar button and tell the nice lady you have a Ron Burgundy emergency.

As you can see, I just figured out how to link the picture directly to the words it is associated with. Nice huh? Round of applause please, I'll be here all week and remember the the 730 show is completely different from the 530 show.

Anyway, I've been slightly depressed lately and I think it is due to the fact that there are no good sports on right now. NBA and NHL are in the tank, NFL is only once a week, and College sports all suck ass. That said, I have been watching for the first time ever, boxing. If you are a real sports fan, I think you will like boxing if you have never seen it before. If you appreciate finely tuned athletes performing a very difficult discipline. I watch it on HBO and Showtime so you get in depth coverage of the corner-talk, which is the best way to see boxing. But it really is an art form and if you have decent fighters, very entertaining. I know the heavyweight division is in shambles, but the rest of the sport is still carrying "The sweet science" banner quite nicely. Come on, The Contender was popular for a reason.

I think it is very funny that one of the things I hate most in this world: Accounting, is what I do almost exclusively for a living now. Come on, everyone have a good laugh for irony at my expense. Accounting is for turbo-dweebs like Will Copeland, not for Studs like me. This is poopyshit! Now, don't tell my dad that I'm running this company into the ground, he might cut my paycheck down to below minimum wage and there is nothing I could do about it.

Late edit (3:30PM) I just remembered another on of my favorite will moments. "Laura, don't tell him I told you, but Will can only pee sitting down". Glorious joke while it lasted.

This post written while listening to: David Bowie "Hunky Dory"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Man it smells like BIG FOOTS dick, or or or..... the inside of a prosthetic leg.....scent of Sean's all natural farts are not that attractive


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