Monday, October 01, 2007

So much to blog about, so little multi-tasking ability

I didn't want to let another 2 weeks sneak by without getting a post in. The strange thing about being a blogger is that you never get to stop being one. When more than 2 days goes by without blogging, it's not as though I forget about it completely or when something interesting happens, I don't come crashing back to the fact that I haven't written anything in a while. Blogging has become a permanent part of me, just like my 22 inch biceps. ho ho ha ha. Anyway, I don't want any of the faithful to think that just because I am not blogging, that I am not suffering thinking about blogging, its just that I am too much of a simpleton to handle that many things at once. I think most people who seriously blog feel the same way. Their procrastination list is one item larger. I did vow not to let it happen during this busy time of year like last year, so I am valiantly making myself churn out another humdinger of a post.

What have I been doing you ask? Well....."a bunch of things," I answer. I have been rowing from 5AM to 6:30 AM in an attempt to keep my rowing career intact, which was going swimmingly (that's an un-truthful pun, if rowing is going well I would not be doing any kind of swimming, but I like the raucous grammatical and syntax chaos that is YFYB) until I got sick in the early part of last week. I have also been trying to have some kind of social life on the weekend when people demand it of me and when I am not racing in said rowing boat. Thus, my copious amount of free time has been reduced significantly since the first of September. My weekends of 10 hour sleep fests, house cleaning, and movies on TV have been removed completely for the next 2 months. Good thing I am so good at being productive........if it was opposites day.
I never get sick. Which isn't really true, cause I am right now, but it is such a rare occurrence that I am giving myself that title. Anyway, I tried to find some medicine in the pharmacy, and that made my head hurt more. There was so many different kinds, I think that by the time I made a decision on which cold medicine to pick, my sickness was gone. I can understand the free-market economics of there being more than one brand of cold medicine, but why does each of the 30 different brands have 30 different formulas for the same symptoms? I decided to just lay on the floor and lick myself till someone came to save me and give me something and push me out the door so I wouldn't have to pick myself and I can blame the lack of the medicines effectiveness on them. Surely, I would never be so careless as to pick the medicine that helped my fever, but not my emphysema cough. Stupid stock boy.
I also like to whine about being sick to anyone, including un-knowing Internet blog browsers. I understand this trait to be unpleasant, but how would you know how heroic I was in not missing any work or training, if I didn't tell you how sick I was?
The other morning, I lost one of my contact lenses while I was rowing. I always forget that I am blind till I lose one, and I come to a crashing and very very sad realization. No seriously, I am blind, and I also have some cataracts as well. If my eyes get any worse, then I can't wear contacts anymore because they don't make them that strong. I also have a family history of a detached retna, so I am slowly getting comfortable to the possibility of using a white cane. Once again, I am allergic to dogs, and I like non-lethal sword fighting, so the white cane is perfect for my lifestyle. I would have to use "the force" for these fights, but I am confident in my ability to whoop Sith and non-sith ass.

Anyway, the row home was not fun at all and I began to feel a bit nauseous from the disorientating focus. I did not crash into anything, but it was only because nothing else is out at 5AM besides us crazies. I also would like to blame miss diminutive training partner for making fun of my headlight that I (used to) wear and thus making me self conscious and thus dangerous behind the oars. She won't laugh so hard when I am dead! or when I give her a "soaking wet from cold river water" hug.
During this busy season, S.Vincent is looking for a house cleaner/personal chef/ laundry do-er to work for kisses. Preferably female with a full set of teeth. Please send resume with picture to
This post written while listening to: Nine Inch Nails "Vessel"

S.Vincent on the job.....


Alex said...

Sorry to hear you're sick bud. You didn't let a baby and/or squirrel touch you, did you? That shit will knock a sunshine sponge like you right out. Just get better for the Charles so we can sit on the shore making fun of screeching coxswains and teams from Vermont.

S.Vincent said...

it was a deadly combo of the two, it was a baby squirrel that I touched. I thought my super immunity would keep me safe, but I guess I thought wrong. I will be spitting fire and kickin out the jams by the time the charles rolls around beamer, don't you worry.


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