Thursday, September 13, 2007

funny, creepy, or odd?

I tried to think of the most accurate term to describe an observation I had the other evening at the gym.

For those who don't know, I am a member of the legendary Gold's Gym franchise. Or should I say, once legendary, for being the birth place of modern body-building. Now, Gold's gym is just barely tolerable as opposed to the other gyms in town which are adult versions of Chucky Cheese.
That said, the bathrooms are not personalized by the members. They are no different then the bathrooms at the movie theatre, gas station, or McDonald's. Therefore, there is never any reading material in the bathrooms......or should I say......there never WAS.
On my Tuesday session, an edition of Seventeen Magazine was sitting shotgun to the toilet. That's right, a Seventeen Magazine. My gut reaction was laughter. I love anything out of the ordinary when it comes to group dynamics. The naked guy at the party? Gets a high five from me. The kid who makes the sudden fart noises during class? Gets a high five from me. The guy who laughs during church? Gets a sign of the cross from me. The water balloon thrower who bombs the courtyard? Is me
However, there is also a bit of creeped-outness to this discovery. Did someone understand the humor in this and place it there so everyone could get a laugh or was it some pervert doing pervert things with it? It should also be said that this magazine is not one of the many magazine the gym keeps on hand for people to distract themselves on the elliptical. I know this because those have un-removable sweat guards on them, while this magazine was as rambunctiously free as its target audience.
I decided that the event was all 3 terms; funny, creepy, and odd. A trifecta! That said, I'll take one or all of those things that makes any of the 100 pee-trips I make per day unique.
The picture above the toilet at work still takes the cake. This is still the creepiest picture I have ever seen and it faces me as I pee. I think one day I am going to steal it and keep it in my bathroom at home. Here is the picture, don't stare for a longer duration then it take to pee, I think it may steal pieces of your soul to provide itself energy to exist outside of hell.........

This post written while listening to: Bruce Springsteen "Radio Nowhere"


Lis said...

Holy crap that's the scariest clown picture ever. Why would that hang up in your bathroom at work? Where do you work? Barnum and Bailey? Oooh or better yet, do you work at like psychological warfare center for the government?

honeykbee said...

A lunk alarm? How about installing something useful, like an Old And Naked In The Whirlpool Detector??

Meanwhile, does that clown qualify as a Lunk? Or am I the lunk for judging it? Because I am, most definitely, judging it.

That is one creepy clown.

S.Vincent said...

It's endearing in it creepiness after a while. It's like that homeless guy who peeks in your windows, eventually you start asking him if you look fat today instead of calling the cops....

Usually I can tell when there are old and naked people in the whirlpool cause there is a strong odor of menthol and used diapers.


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