Wednesday, January 14, 2009

write before you read

I decided to write today before I get myself locked into reading all the daily entertaining blog updates. I spend all my time reading and thus pigeon-hole myself into making a mad 3pm scramble for my own post. This "read before writing" activity often results in some of the un-edited trash I have been putting out. Only some of the trash, because the other trash is on purpose.

Was the origin of the word "Orange" a color or a fruit first?

I don't know how to use Twitter effectively. Everyone is apparently doing it, but after 5 months or so, I am still not seeing its obvious prevelance or effectiveness on the web except for everyone talking about it. I am begining to think its all a elaborate joke like something we'd do back in high school.
"Seriously dude? you're not putting Icy Hot on your balls? What's wrong with you, it's the best thing ever. I do it twice a day it's so awesome. It makes em feel like your balls are brand new balls. You could have fresh infant balls man! You GOTTA do it!"

I have been drinking a lot of tea lately. Does that make me effeminate? Anytime I pick up a "new thing", the possibility of that trait is the first thing I worry about. I do enough borderline effeminate things, so I feel compelled to monitor myself to make sure I am only tap dancing on that line and not into full on Pete Wentz territory. I feel once you cross that line there is no going back. Kind of like a tatoo of a unicorn on a woman. Even if she were to get a doctorate, buy a big house, drive a BMW, and get a lawyer husband, you would still know that deep down she was white trash enough to display her white trashiness on her body.

Anyway, the point to that confession is that I recently found out English Breakfast is nothing but plain black tea. What Tea Master of the Universe decided that black tea can be named after the most important meal of the english day? I am pretty sure that is just some kind of marketing to make plain black tea seem more exotic, but either way, from now on S.Vincent refuses to call it anything other than black tea. Fuck the british and their colonization of tea naming without adding any significant infrastructure to that tea. This BS has gone on long enough!

Speaking of tea......again. Starbuck's has thrown themselves into a more aggressive stance on tea-based hot drinks. Fantastic idea! Something we can't burn! Anyway, they have a drink called a "London Fog". Which features one of S.Vincent's favorite teas, "Earl Grey". (a tea name that I can get behind because The Earl added something unique to his tea) It's extra bergemont-y, so be warned that you gotta really like Earl Grey to like this starbucks concoction, but I thought it was lolli (british term for Money)

And I can't think about English anything without thinking about my favorite American Express commercial.

Indeed Jerry, that was a wicked googily


Anonymous said...

Re: topic #3 - you spent years pretty much shaving your whole body and now you're asking if tea makes you effeminate? No. Tea does not make you effeminate.

and yes, if you haven't updated in 24 days you are doing it wrong. update son! I'm tired of only seeing updates from people I don't know in real life. then again, maybe I just follow too many.

S.Vincent said...

ha, thanks for the nudge bea. I had no idea you could even do that. Can you fire nukes via Twitter too?

I think what I really need is a blackberry/iphone and about 100 more followers/followee's in order to enjoy twitter properly

Su said...

First of all - Twitter. Seriously? Now that makes a whole lot of peeople effiminate. Or avial-ly inclined. Twitter?! Birds do it better.

Tea? Try the strange brew they serve here in India. I'm an undenaiable addict.


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