Monday, February 04, 2008

it is a bitch

Karma and Revenge, that is. (PS, I made that LOL Cats superbowl edition myself, pretty funny no?) It always seems to give you a few hints before it smacks your emotional teeth out. Like a rotten smell coming from the drain on your sink before it back-flows all over your house. You would think that the citizens of that crap-hole of a city would be experts in the field of "hometown sports jinxes and how to avoid them", but no, they are painfully un-aware of it. Putting out 19-0 books, scheduling the parade, downtalking spygate. Even someone who is as stupid as me avoided it by gracefully hoping the Giants would win and refusing to over hype them or under talk the Pats. Those are the sports fans rules to keep positive karma. I don't know why Boston can't get it, probably cause they don't know how to keep their mouth shut, and they don't have anything else to talk about besides seafood.

This feels so good to those in the Empire state. I don't know how to express in words how good it feels to have the burdon of most epic collapse off of our shoulders. Of course we are talking about the epic collapse by the Yankees in 2004. The knock down drag out affair that took an entire week to kill me a little every day. By game 5, I knew it was over for the Yankees. That they could not win despite 2 more games to play. Easily one of the most painful memories I will ever have. But now, a team from this area was the one to hand it back to Boston; where it belongs. That can NOT be underestimated. A team that used to play in Yankee stadium as a matter of fact.

I argue that the Patriots loss was much MUCH worse than that of the 2004 Yankees. Yes, the Giants were underestimated by everyone, but I don't think that anyone was over-estimating the Patriots by calling them the greatest team in history considering they went 18-0. The 2004 yankees didn't have anyone calling them "the greatest team of all time" and the 2004 redsox were actually considered by many to be the stronger team going in and easily got the wild card berth, with only their choking history holding them as underdogs in the series. So for the Red Sox to win was truly shocking at the time, but that was no David vs Goliath story. The 2004 ALCS was more like Blue Goliath vs Red Goliath when Blue Goliath got a head start and then tragically stumbled and fell.

I feel bad for Tom Brady and Junior Seau, and thats about it. They are good people. I almost feel bad for the Patriots team, their fans and the media screwed them, but with all their past success, not really all that bad. Mostly, I am so so happy that Boston fans and Belicheat got knocked down and not only knocked down, but branded with the #1 symbol of sports failure for a long lonnnnngggg time. I feel another one in their midst coming soon, but we will disclose that after it happens. I am sure they will still harp on their past super bowl victories and the 04 and 07 world series wins, and they have earned that right, just as the Yankees get to bring up the 26 world championships from time to time.

Yes Boston, you got a 4 year break from holding the most epic collapse in professional sports history, but now it is back in your hands. Seems fitting in an area with awful people, road systems, food, and weather. I am going to shut my mouth about it from now on because I don't want to come down on that area forever, otherwise I might be leaving myself open to karma coming back to get me. Next year is a new year, and I learned my lesson back in the day. That was enough for this NY'er.

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