Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Save the Planet, Kill Yourself

I saw this on a bumper sticker the other day. I am not a big fan of putting a political/funny message on a car, but if I had to pick one for my own car, this would be it. It's more complex than its harsh exterior. First; "Kill Yourself" is one of my favorite statements from college. It can be used in a variety of situations. Like "dude" or "f$ck", it depends on its inflection.

It can be used to express apathy at a friends situation; "I just realized I have to buy 500 dollars worth of books" "oh man, kill yourself".
It can also be used in a situation to poke fun at a friends light-hearted misfourtune;"I was walking home from the library, and I got stuck talking to that annoying girl I made out with last weekend" "hahaha, kill yourself".
It can also be used to express frustration with someone (usually a peer) "That guy was blabbering on and on about his cool car and these girls he met, and the entire time I was thinking, dude, kill yourself"
But this bumper sticker tags "Kill Yourself" along with a common political tag line. "Save the Planet" is usually followed by a certain action that the possesor of the sticker feels is the most important way to save said planet, i.e. buy Organic, don't eat meat, plant a tree, impeach bush, ride a bike, etc etc etc.
Does the possessor of the kill yourself sticker believe that killing oneself is a way to save energy, and reduce waste? That would be a true statement. Less people means less waste and less of a demand for energy. Or, is the possessor of the sticker asking those who make political statements regarding thier views on saving the planet to kill themselves? They are rather annoying and usually posses an attitude that they are "holier than thou". Or; is the possessor a genocidal maniac who would like nothing more than the extinction of the entire human race but himself in order to have eternal peace and the entire world would be his personal space to do with as he please? People; political or not, annoy this person and he would like nothing better for them all to die, but by the means of killing themselves, so he doesn't have to get his hands or conscience dirty.
There are so many different interpretations as you can see. But the reason I would like it, is that I like to be outrageous for the sake of being outrageous, and confusing for the sake of being confusing. Plus, most of the time I am driving I am in an angry "kill yourself" mode that's that.
I was feeling slightly guilty, but I have not been the only one not posting as much this time of year. My RSS feeder has been surprisingly inactive this time of year. I think it's because us bloggers are attention whores. Unfourtunatly, we are also nerds who are ignored by our loved ones on a daily basis except for one time of the year.......Thanksgiving to New Years. The time when our loved ones reach out to all members of the family based on guilt or keeping a facade of happy times. Even us Rudolphs get called back to be a part of the family reindeer games......till January 2nd anyway.
Us bloggers will be back then, when winter is at its finest hour and we are depressed and fat and lonely and in need of a little attention. So hang in there internet surfers, the waves may be small, but the ocean is always at it calmest just before the storm.......
This post written while listening to: "ageless beauty" -Stars


Alex said...

even as a pseudo hippie myself, i think it meant that the environmentalist should kill himself. and i am amused.

happy birthday. kill yourself.

Unknown said...

Who doesn't like today?


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