Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I can feel it, coming in the air tonight........hold on

Oh baby I'm fricken' PUMPED! The unfourtunate thing is that it will invariably spoil this movie for me. There are two things wrong with it as I see it. One, they have been using re-makes of some of the classic songs. Can someone explain to me whats wrong with the originals? What's next, re-doing "Jeremy" by Pearl Jam? "Teen Spirit" by Nirvana? "..Streets..." by U2?

The second is that it is modernized for todays time period. I think they failed to realize that 99% of the Miami Vice generation still exists and loves the show as it was. Rather than take a chance on getting some new viewers and failing, why not concentrate on not spoiling it for the old ones. Miami Vice WAS the 80's, it caught lightening in a bottle from the fashion to the music to the cars and the cool city to be. You can't re-create that, you can only re-present it to the public and hope they remember how cool it was. Modernizing Miami Vice is as risky as trying to modernize "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air". You can't re-create the enthusiasm for Lamborghini's and Cigarette Boats, because no one had ever seen them before this show. Now they are common place. Back then; there were 10 channels and rotary phones, so you could open eyes with amazment a little easier than the instant information era.

I re-watched the pilot episode and as Bill Simmons already pointed out, I still get chills when Crocket pulls over to the pay-phone to the opening riff of "In the Air Tonight" on their way to a deteriorating undercover rendezvoux and says:

"Caroline, I just gotta ask you something. Me and you, not how we are now,........but was real right?"

I'm still going to see it and hope. I think Jamie Fox and Colin Farrell are excellent choices, but I think we may be dealing with a doomed scenario.

Gym Rule: Hey Nick and Jessica, take it outside. Canoodling and baby talk makes everyone sick in 9 out of 10 situations. You're not on a crowded street, you're in the gym. So lets keep the foreplay for the bedroom before I spray lysol on you and have Capt. Bacne show you what real love is.

New blogger of the week finally posted. I like these photo blogs, they are kinda fun to look at cause reading can be a pain in the ass all day. It's a picture book for you mental midgets out there.

"Yeah Sonny, it was real"

This Post Written While Listening To: O.A.R "Risen"

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