Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Look under the rock; thats where I am.

Ah yes, the not-so graceful return. Truthfully, I've been hiding ever since the Floyd Landis debacle blew up in my face. Oh well, I'm not that ashamed. How was I supposed to know right? Apparently, Floyd didn't even know. Thus, the world of cycling rears its ugly head again, and hits me when I am down. I gotta admit, I'm surprised that it happened in the way it happened and that it was for testosterone. All this strangeness keeps my eye on it. I've been the first one to believe Lance Armstrong doping rumors and I can't make an exception for Floyd. In sports these days, doping works on the where there is smoke there is fire principle.

Enough about the cruel loss of innocence for my sporting hero's, lets talk about some real hero's: Sonny Crockett, Rico Tubbs, and Ricky Bobby! Both movies were good and I recommend seeing if you got some spare dough laying around. Miami Vice was not nearly as bad as I thought it would be even though Colin Farrell is 0-10 on proving he can act. The movie was too different from the show in order to really classify it as ruining the mood. It was more like an action flick that happened to be called Miami Vice with same-named characters. It did not feature re-made songs like I thought it would, and actually had some awesome new jams from one of my fav bands Audioslave which makes me heavily anticipate the release of that album in early September. Lots of cool cars, gun fights, boats, and exotic scenary. Don't rush to see it, but if you're stuck in the mall with a few spare hours to kill, you're not wasting money.

Vrrrrrooooooom!...............F!. Ha, a little inside joke for those of you who know the webpage, but not for Talladega Nights. It was a very funny movie featuring plenty of racing inspired humor. Not nearly as over-rated/over-done Blue Collar TV-esque, as I thought it would be. I wish I could remember some of the jokes, but it came at me in flurry a little too much for my vintage 1981 processor to handle. I can easily see this being my next Anchorman debacle in which I live a couple weeks in automated Talladega Nights response mode. I just have to see it like 3 more times. If you are a person who races other people in anything, you'll like Talladega Nights. If you close your eyes, you hear the exact same voice that Will Ferrell would use for George Bush back in the SNL days.

Gym Rules: Hey Ari, workout at home if you need to be instantly available 24/7. I forgot the very obvious, no cell phones rule. This is so obvious, that it took me a good 6 posts to remember. I don't know what else there is to say on this. I think people who do this know they are douchebags so its not like I convince them otherwise. Just understand that when I hock a protein rich loughey at you, you deserve it and must say "Thank you sir, may I have another"

ATTENNNNNNTION!....Poser! If you are not in the military currently, served in the past, or part of a body combat instructional group (meliss), or going way over the line in a paintball match.....No camo or dog tags allowed. You are not a soldier of fortune, a soldier of pain, or a soldier of anything by wearing military garb. You like the army?, then join and offer to get your head blown off for your country. Otherwise you look like a wanna-be punk defacing the value of your more dedicated countrymen.

PS: its peanutbutta jelly time, peanutbutta jelly time, peanutbutta jelly time

This post written while listening to: The Pretenders "The Singles"


Craig said...

If you don't like big red THEN FUCK YOU!!

S.Vincent said...

hahaha, thanks craig, I can't remember any of them but Shake and Bake cause they said it like 60 times.


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