Tuesday, April 08, 2008

I hate me too

No, I am not dead or seriously injured, but I was almost killed, by salmonella. I have had food poisening one other time and it was the worst experience I have ever been through over 7 days. This time it took just as long, but it didn't feel like my insides were getting roto-rootered by steel coated pipe cleaner. The lesson is....don't eat stadium food for the first time and the second time is to make sure you cook your poultry to 180 degrees in the center, not just till its white. March and April are the busiest months in my schedule, so be prepared for more sparse posting, but I won't let you down for too long. Like an ugly lover, I am only a disappointment to you when you really think about it, not in the heat of sweet ugg-o love.......okay when you think about it, and when we're in public holding hands....
That said, we are moving on. I am going to finish these album reviews if I have to take till 2009, and then we can all get on with our miserable lives which by that point may or may not include reading my miserable blog. I have no more motivation to write them, and you probably have even less to read them, but gosh darnit I have to finish something sometime? There has to be some kind of order in cyber space and I'm going to do my part.

Alright here we go, onto the TOP 5 now.....hahaha this really is a joke of how long this is taking me compared to how long I thought it would. Didn't this start as a before the end of January mission? Kind of like how iTunes takes 30 minutes to download and update the software and month after month, nothing changes. What's up with that? What alien technology are you installing on my computer 15 times a year? iTunes hasn't changed in 4 years and its on like version 1004.5. It's a fear campaign really. I am so scared of what could happen to my music if I don't update, I diligently upgrade with urgency and without question. Damn you Steve Jobs.
The good news is, I am firmly on my way to a new set of wheels. It will certainly be murdered out if I can, once I figure out the cost of tastefully doing such a thing and if it is feesable.
NUMBER 5: Jimmy Eat World "Chase this Light" Jimmy eat World is one of my favorite, non-favorite bands. I have all their albums, love to listen to their songs at anytime, but I can't seem to put them in the top level of my pantheon. I have no idea why, but maybe its because their songs are so simple-minded and so easy to listen to. The same thing happens with me with every album they make. I buy it, listen to the whole thing over and over again about 20 times, then sparsely listen again.
To me, they are like the food equivalent of Pizza. You love pizza, you could eat pizza anytime, and you like lots of different toppings, shapes and sizes (albums) of pizza. You know exactly what pizza entails no matter where you order it from. When someone says, "lets go out for pizza" you are definitly in. But are you thinking about pizza day in and day out? No. When you are looking for a special meal, is pizza involved? No.
But great pizza is great pizza, and there is nothing more clutch after a hard day. Safe, reliable, and easy to make, pizza is your consistent meal no matter what time of day. Even for breakfast!
That said, Jimmy does not disappoint on this album. Its all good from track 1 to track 11. There isn't much exploring in sound done on this album, just a fresh version of the same jimmy sound. It's pizza right? Get the basics down, explore a little bit with the toppings and spices to give a fresh look and taste, and whammy everyone is happy. The weird thing about this particular album, is that I am not super happy with the way that any of the songs start. But somehow about 30-45 seconds in, every single track develops into a fantastic classic Jimmy song.
The lyrics are always good. The most under-rated part about this band that makes them a signature favorite is the way in which lead singer Jim Adkins backgrounds his own voice with the backup vocals of his own band, and manages to pump them out at different volumes to match perfectly with the instrumentation. Aggressive yearning is his specialty and he has many layers of his voice to make it work perfectly with the fast strumming punkish guitar. Combined they create a really pleasing punk light or heavy emo. You take your pick.

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