Thursday, June 15, 2006

a watched keyboard never creates funny titles

This message is for HBO, Showtime, Cinemax, Encore, Starz, etc subscribers only. Have you ever been channel surfing and stumble across a movie that looks cool, like a murder mystery or something and you get into it and then all of a sudden they go through some twisted drug montage and midgets with surgical gloves on their heads start doing dances and stuff and you don't know what the heck is going on anymore? You watch for like another 45 mins hoping that something your seeing is gonna make sense and they are gonna pull it back to the original story and then a girl with bic pen for an arm wanders around an empty pool for like 10 minutes. All hope is lost, an hour and 45 minutes of your life is wasted.

Usually what pulls me in to these movie practical jokes is that there is a recognizable face in the movie. Not a big star, but an actor/actress with "That guy" status. The actor you've seen in probably 6-7 movies but always as a bartender or uncle or something with like 10 lines of dialogue. You recognize his face, but have no idea what his name is. (This is Danny Trejo by the way, a signature evil Mexican guy in any movie)

What I want to know is who throws money at these pictures? Is there like a completely stoned millionaire with nothing better to do with his money? Is there a production company owned by 14 year old mushroom eaters? Who signs off on this garbage, and more importantly why do the movies channels show it? I like to consider myself cultured, but there is such a thing as making art that people have a chance of understanding. That's why poop in a diaper isn't art to anyone but Bea.

This post written while listening to: Seu Jorge "Life Aquatic-Studio Sessions"

1 comment:

Alex said...

I wash way more than that guy. I think years of eating nothing more than soy beans and alfalfa sprouts and jerking off to the tour de france and "pumping iron" have effected your artistic judgement.


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