Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Raging against the machine

So on one of my many visits to crummy hotels the past month, I lost my cell phone charger. Now, as many of you know, I have the original Zack Morris phone and losing this charger would almost certainly mean the death of my beloved phone. (complimentry Kelly Kapowski photo) To think she was on my TV every saturday morning........(dreamy face)........

No colors, no texting, no pictures, no phone books, no colors, no # or * key, no cameras, no bluetooth, no voice recognition, no ring tones, etc. All those things I have come to appreciate and enjoy. I was however not going to go down without a fight. My mission should I choose to accept it; would be to scour the continent (mall) in search of the holy grail of phone chargers.

I had come to appreciate my phone, it was MY phone. I was the only one who had it, never had any problems with it and it got the job done 24/7. I had resisted for so long that it seemed like a slap in the face to have to go back now. I had to fight for my phones sake. I am worthless, but my phone is an antique. As you can see, this was more than just your standard lost charger, this could be the end of an ERA.

Anyway, I scoured the mall electronic shops and cell phone stores for my beloved charger. The floor monkeys would ask for a model # and I would reply "Model number 1 sparky, get outta my way and go help some 4 year old with his playbox or whatever it is"

Nonetheless, I was denied on all occasions. Which is quite an accomplishment, because there are at double the amount of cell phone stores in the mall than I thought going in there. Next time you are in the mall, you should check that out for yourself. They kinda go unnoticed. Anyway, on my way out I ran into a "kiosk" (see: rolling cart) in the middle of the mall. I figured I had nothing left to lose anymore since my life was over, so I asked the recently employed at "Big Jim's Choppers and Cars" mechanic, if he thought he could help me.


He didn't have it but he could order it for me. So now we play the waiting game........

So there is a former herion addict that lives above my office building. A very nice lady who has kind of cleaned up her life, but the jury still isn't out yet on that verdict. We need more evidence before that, but I think you would find the contents of her car very amusing. First of all, its a 1984 Plymouth Valient station wagon. The color is severly sundamged navy blue with a wire coat hanger as a radio antenna I shit you not. I can see into the back of it because this is before window tinting was invented. Inside there is: A monkey wrench, a parking cone, a rusty bathroom faucet, a bongo bat, a coloring book, some loose wire, a black grabage bag, 2 broken cd's, and a dustpan. (PS: probably the most disturbing photo hunt I have ever had, I feel kinda bad for making fun of them now)

I really really like the resurgence of glam rock these days. I was getting soooooo sick of the skater punk bands. Being a forever Scott Weiland, Trent Rez and Bono fan, the slummy skaters never got on my good side. Thank heavens for 30 seconds to Mars, my chemical romance, and all the other new bands coming out with the good stuff....finally. NIN, STP, Smashing Pumpkins, would be proud. I thought I was never gonna have new glam rock to add to my collection, but now that it is finally getting a foot hold again, I can sleep at night.

This weeks blogger is not neccessarily funny, but he seems like a bizarro me. As in if I had a twin who was just a little different than me and lived in Michigan, he would be him. Plus, he uses the word "epic" which is one of my favorite recent words along with "poopyshit" as one word.

This post written while listening to: 30 seconds to Mars "A Beautiful Lie"


Craig said...


Theres a shirt for ya

Craig said...


Theres a shirt for ya


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